
October 8, 2011
Jonathan Aiwazian - Cafrino - KAYWEB Angels Portfolio People

KAYWEB Angels Portfolio People
Jonathan Aiwazian, Cafrino

KAYWEB Angels Portfolio People is a section in our Blog that features profile interviews with the people behind our companies! In this interview, we feature Jonathan Aiwazian of

Tell us your name and where are you from?

I am Jonathan Aiwazian from Moorpark, California where I grew up until I went across the country to college at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY to study Biological Engineering.


What you had for breakfast this morning? (if you didn’t, what you wish you had)

I had a Garlic bagel with cream cheese and an iced coffee to wake me up.


What are your favorite television shows and movies?

I really enjoy Breaking Bad, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Dexter, Jersey Shore (guilty pleasure), and Entourage.

My favorite movies are The Last King of Scotland, Snatch, Shutter Island, Pan’s Labyrinth, and Fight Club.

Any favorite books?

It has been a while since I had time to read for pleasure, but I would have to say 1984 by George Orwell, Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki, Slaughterhouse Five by fellow Cornellian Kurt Vonnegut.


iPhone or Android or what?

I currently own an iPhone, but I miss a lot of features of my former Android phone, so let’s call it a tie.


Facebook or Google+ or Twitter or what?

While there is no substitute for a phone call or a lunch with a friend, I do think Facebook currently provides the best way to keep in contact with your networks. I try to keep my personal information on there to a minimum, but I do use it to keep in touch with people and eavesdrop on their lives. It is getting a little too all-inclusive for my taste, though.


Who are the hottest startups outside the KAYWEB Angels group right now and why?

I think Square and Bitcasa are two very interesting startups that are both disruptive in their respective areas. Square has the potential to completely transform small business and peer to peer transactions. Bitcasa is an amazing concept with its infinite cloud storage and de-duplication algorithms, but it is yet to be seen whether they can deliver all they promise. If they can, watch out.


What areas / opportunities are ripe for startups to tackle?

Healthcare and education are both broken systems in this country. There is a vast opportunity for disruption in both areas, and the startups that can improve these two areas will not only succeed in improving society as a whole, but also make lots of money in doing so.


Have you done any previous startups? What did you do previously?


Before entering the startup scene I worked at many health-related companies such as Novartis Pharmaceuticals and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as conducted biomedical research at many universities. I hope to one day combine my love of startups with my work experience in creating a startup or two to improve healthcare.


Outside of your startup what are you passionate about?

I am passionate about innovations that improve the quality of life for the world at large, specifically in the biomedical realm. I think the advancements that are being made to prolong lifespan and cure and treat diseases that have long been problematic for mankind are amazing. The progress made in the last 50 years is astounding, and to think where we will be in another 50 years is just impossible to imagine. I am also an extremely competitive person who is very passionate about sports and enjoy playing basketball and watching the NFL (Go Steelers!).


Who has been or currently is an inspiration to you?

I come from entrepreneurs on both sides of my family, but father is the biggest inspiration. He started his own business, Key Software Inc., which provides IT database solutions for healthcare providers.  I have learned from him the true amount of dedication it takes to run a company; if a network goes down at 4am, no one else is going to fix the problem except you. I inherited the desire to create something where there was nothing from him.


You are currently in stealth so don't tell us what you are doing but give us a hint of the problem you are addressing?

The problem is that there is a complete lack of a viable poker site for professionals and amateurs alike to make decent money and keep it secure. This is a void that current US players are actively looking to fill as we have seen on countless poker forums.  Hang on, guys!


What led you to this right now instead of anything else?

The existence of a vast problem and limited competition for a huge and passionate user base combined with an intense desire to create something tangible, rather than working at a big company where your own ideas get lost in red tape.


What is your current biggest challenge?

Our biggest challenge is going to be raising awareness about the site and having users signed up prior to launch. People want to see what they are signing up for before they make any sort of decision, but we hope we can convince enough people that the wait is almost over for a reliable and potentially lucrative (depending on your poker skills) poker site.


How can our readers help you get to your next step?

If you play, or know anyone else who plays poker, let them know about our site and follow us on T or F. Maybe you can work out something with them to earn a commission off their winnings. We will be doing some great promotions as we get closer to launch, so next time you have a home poker game, spread the word!


Let's play a prediction game. Let's say we are 12 months from now, and you are about to present to your board. How would you describe your progress?

Twelve months from now our goal is to have a constant level of at least 3000 users on the site at all times. We would like to grow our employee number to around 10 people. We will assess the funding situations as we go, but we would like to keep outside funding to a minimum by reinvesting our profits back into the company if needed.


Now let’s play the reflection game. Think about who you were five years ago. What advice would you give the former you (any topic)?

Don’t just do what you are told and expected to do with your life, even if you realize that you are already headed down one path. It is never too late to branch off into another direction. Just make sure you plan ahead and don’t change before you are ready.

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