
May 17, 2012 Lauren Aichinger - - KAYWEB Angels Portfolio People

KAYWEB Angels Portfolio People
Lauren Aichinger,

KAYWEB Angels Portfolio People is a section in our Blog that features profile interviews with the people behind our companies! In this interview, we feature Lauren Aichinger, Director of Business Development at

Tell us your name and where are you from?

My name is Lauren Aichinger, I am from Summit County, Colorado; currently living in New York City.


What you had for breakfast this morning?

This morning I had oatmeal with dates and bananas.

What are your favorite television shows and movies?

My favorite movies are documentaries, my favorite shows are ever changing… but something fun & easy like Modern Family.

Any favorite books?

One of my all time favorite books is ‘A short history of nearly everything’ by Bill Bryson.

iPhone or Android or what?

iPhone… live for it.

Facebook or Google+ or Twitter or what?

Facebook – with extremely limited participation. I like living my life in person, not through the computer screen.

Who are the hottest startups outside the KAYWEB Angels group right now and why?

My Red Rabbit, an awesome startup by a friend of mine in NYC. They cater farm fresh, nutritionally balanced and locally sourced meals to kids in school. Helps families, helps farmers, helps the environment, fights childhood obesity… can’t get much better than that!


What areas / opportunities are ripe for startups to tackle?

Problems / inconveniences in people’s everyday lives, on a personal level. People have too much to do and too little time to do it. They don’t want to spend their time on something that doesn’t simplify a task they already do.


Have you done any previous startups?

No. I previously worked in sales, earning a paycheck.


Outside of your startup what are you passionate about?

Healthy lifestyle, being outdoors, animals and travel.

Who has been or currently is an inspiration to you?

Many people in my life, who have managed to carve out a little path of their own, make a living and help others in the process.




With your startup currently in BETA LIVE stage, what is one problem you are addressing?

Access to and explanation of the ‘Green’ resources available in every local community. 

What led you to this right now instead of anything else?

I have a passion for the environment, and I think working everyday would be that much more pleasant if my work benefited my passion.

What is your current biggest challenge?

Streamlining the direction of our efforts and intentions; making the site purpose simple and appealing so that people will want to utilize it.

How can our readers help you get to your next step?

Join us at, give us feedback, and tell your friends about us! The more interaction our site has, the more information we have to improve it.

Let's play a prediction game. Let's say we are 12 months from now, and you are about to present to your board. How would you describe your progress?

I would predict increased number of users, and many partnerships with existing green specialty niches.

Now let's play the reflection game. Thing about who you were five years ago. What advice would you give the former you?

Try the new idea NOW.  Don’t wait any longer, you’ll only lose time.

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